Letter from the Chapter

Welcome to Delta Delta Delta Recruitment!

My name is Claire Maxwell, and I am the Vice President of Membership Experience and overseeing recruitment for Fall 2023! Choosing to be a part of Texas A&M Greek Life, and specifically a member of Tri Delta, has helped shape my college experience and opened more opportunities than I could have ever imagined. Tri Delta has given me so many meaningful and lasting friendships, and I am excited for you to get to meet our fantastic chapter.

I am very proud to say that Tri Delta has had extreme success during Recruitment throughout the years. In the fall of 2022, we welcomed 74 incredible new members! We would be truly lost without the help of our awesome alumni during the countless hours of work spent making the Tri Delta Recruitment. We are so appreciative of all of the support they consistently give us. I am confident in this chapter’s ability to continue the precedent of success and obtain another remarkable pledge class this year. 

I would love for you to take the time to look through our website. It will allow you to get a glimpse of who we are and why I am so proud to be a member of this awesome chapter. I hope that you will fall in love with Texas A&M Tri Delta as much as I have! Lastly, please reach out to me with any questions you may have about Recruitment, Greek Life, or Delta Delta Delta! I am available to answer any questions you have or assist you in any way I am able.


Delta Love and Mine,

Claire Maxwell 

VP Membership
